Your Dream is Here

Students won a prize at MakerFest 2019

Engineering Technology Students build MBR Water Purified Systems _ which plays critical roles in City Water Supply System

State of Cloud Technology in Commercial World Today by Dr Siva

Join the seminar, which will be talking about the cloud tech rival world nowadays. Dr Siva with 15 years of experience in Cloud Data field working in UK will be sharing and have a conversation with all.

TaZaungDaing Donation

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Our Student Says

"Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo"
Paing Thwin Moe
Travel Blogger

Auston College Myanmar is a branch of the Singapore engineering college, Auston Institute of Management. 

Auston has been providing engineering associates and technicians with training and qualification upgrading opportunities since 1996.